Sunday, January 17, 2010


Soccer went well this year. I started over half of the games and played in almost all of them. The summer went well also. I landed a high profile job in NYC. Ny is a ton of fun. I would highly recommend to anyone that they should spend the summer there and work. I am continuing my education and am a junior now. I also became a member of the NSCA and continue to serve on my schools judicial board.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My recent events

I'm back at school after break. Getting ready for soccer and trying to get some things in order. I've been lifting a lot but not running so I'm in for a rude awakening come practice time. I've got my food all set up and everyings good. My foot hurts just a little but as long as I don't fuck around with it I should be okay. I have a job at the gym getting minimum wage. This is the least i've every been paid but its better than nothing. Hopefully I'll have a good job set up this summer.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Creating My Blog

Today I've created my blog.